Saturday, August 31, 2013

Fixing higher education IT by open sourcing operational technologies

Problem: Too focused on the mundane
Most higher education institutions have expensive, highly varied IT Enterprises that spend far too much on mundane, operational things like ERP, workflow tools, and content management.

Need: Focus on what matters
Institutions need to find ways to shift from this operational orientation to a structure optimized for innovation on things that matter like academic analytics or online learning.

Solution: Open source operational technologies
Institutions should open source low level infrastructure oriented technologies to bring down costs via standardization. Open sourcing should be coupled with proactive efforts to build technical communities oriented around the same problem space that span multiple institutions. 

Open sourcing should not be viewed as a magical wand that will fix problems, nor should it be viewed as forgoing revenue that could have been received via software licensing. It should be viewed as a way to create communities and competencies that result in lower operating budgets and higher capacity to innovate.

Blog not just about software dev anymore...

It's about time I start using this blog to reflect the full range of stuff I'm into, not just software development. From here on out, this blog may sport such fine things as:

Management Crap (tag: management)
Having finished a master’s degree last April and the prerequisite mountain of research and writing that goes with it, I decided it’s about time to start writing some blog posts on topics of open source business models, community development, and strategies to change higher education IT.

Weird Music (tag: music)
For 8 years, every summer I get together with a bunch of musician friends together to make "a bender" album that we publish on the web at the end of it.  Though it's mostly about the process: the challenge of making a "listenable" album in a very short fixed amount of time; occasionally, gems such as Meat Coma emerge. I initially started a blog called "JingleCore: For Those Who Shit Riffs", but said to heck with that and figured I'd just publish this stuff here with the tag "music".